
…is our insanely talented associate for everything related to drawing. Which, right now, means she’s responsible for the drawings related to

MRS. BUMPERSTICKER – computer game
Our annual electronic x-mas cards

Becca Gollman
…our patient native American reader. Without her approval and her very smart remarks none of our AE series bibles or screenplays would go public. Except for this website. Don’t blame her for our inexcusable mistakes here…

Ralf Köhler
…is our very patient web guru, who tries hard to make us understand the ins and outs of his utterly confusing craft. However, we’re sad to say that all his efforts to make us understand even the smallest things are just lost on our, electronically speaking, obviously painfully dysfunctional brains. So, great thing he doesn’t need us to know what he’s doing … Without him, this website could never exist